Game of life spinner
Game of life spinner

game of life spinner

Team Elijah needs only 1 to win.įinal Totals: Team Sammy 3800, Team Elijah 6350.īonus Round Questions Question 1 Sammy/Isaiah: Grab the egg and toss it to player 3Īny part of the egg is worth 250 points, it doesn't matter if it breaks. Manny/Elijah: Grab an egg and slide it down the ramp. Prize: Limo Ride Home from School for a WeekĬonsolation Prize: Pirate's Dinner Adventure Round 2 Scores: Team Sammy 1800, Team Elijah 3600 Everest or The oldest man to make a solo parachute jump Question: Which lasted longest? (The longest sustained note on a clarinet or The longest burp)Ĭhoices: The oldest man to climb Mt. Question: A Wisconsin man set a Guinness world record by doing what every day for 37 consecutive years? (Catching a large-mouth bass or Eating a Big Mac) Question: Which record-breaking food's heavier? (World's largest pretzel or World's largest taco) Question: A Frenchman set a record by crushing 58 nuts in one minute using what? (His head or His butt) Question: In 2003, the Queen sat for what unusual type of portrait? (Hologram or One painted by a monkey)Ĭategories: Sing a Duet with Taylor Swift or Break a Guinness World Record 200 Points Question: When one of Queen Elizabeth's Welsh Corgi dogs mated with a Dachshund, the new breed was called what? (Dorgi or Wienercor) Question: After Prince Charles, who's next in line to be King of England? (Prince Harry or Prince William) Question: Queen Elizabeth belongs to what royal house? (House of Windsor or House of Wellington) Question: What's a man supposed to do when greeting the queen (Kneel or Bow their head) Round 1 Totals: Team Sammy 1000, Team Elijah 600.Ĭategories: Sing a Duet with Taylor Swift or Meet the Queen of England 200 Points Question: Supermodel Gisele Bundchen's married to what NFL superstar? (Tom Brady or Eli Manning) Question: What would a model normally have in her portfolio? (Photographs or Makeup) Question: Some lipsticks contain what? (Fish scales or Rubber cement) Question: What's another name for the runway used by fashion models? (Catwalk or Smile aisle) Guess: Parents are watching (Correct) (1000) Question: When posting on the web or texting on a cell phone, PAW means what? (Peace around the world or Parents are watching) Question: As of April 1st, who has more followers or twitter? (Ashton Kutcher or Lady Gaga) Question: Which is older? (The Worldwide Web or Miranda Cosgrove) Question: What's the smallest part of a picture on your computer screen? (Pixel or Byte) Mike, loves the Philadelphia Eagles (Dad)įrank: (arguing) Pittsburgh Steelers, come on!.Isaiah, loves playing the saxophone and keyboards (Brother).

game of life spinner game of life spinner

  • Elijah, can twist his tongue around (Team Captain) (he demonstrates it).
  • Yusef, fluent in 4 different languages, 5th grade teacher (Dad).
  • Sammy, likes jamming on his electric guitar (Team Captain).
  • game of life spinner

    Game of life spinner tv#

    It's a themed ride wrapped in a TV show surrounded by fun and prizes. It's the famous "Game of Life" spinner with a chance to win some fantastic prizes including a Tropical Rainforest Adventure. "You know it, you love it you wanna give it a spin.

    Game of life spinner