Deathspank baconing treasure chest keys
Deathspank baconing treasure chest keys

deathspank baconing treasure chest keys

One small line was written for every obtainable item in the game, and some are worth a smirk or a chuckle.Ĭombat in The Baconing appears shallow initially, but as the game progresses it becomes clear that simply running into a group of enemies and mashing buttons is a great way to take a quick trip to the last checkpoint. Speaking of equipment, a lot of DeathSpank‘s charm can be found in the flavor text for weapons, armor, consumables, and other items.


One of the particularly smart systems implemented in the DeathSpank series is the grinder, which allows the player to instantly turn unwanted equipment into money, without having to return to a town, or even send a pet, a la Torchlight. All melee weapons handle the same, so only the damage stat and element need be considered when choosing what to equip. DeathSpank himself is a polygonal model, and throughout the journey his appearance will change as he equips new weapons and armor.Īs far as weapons and armor, there are plenty of different pieces of equipment to discover, though it’s a fairly mindless affair. Many of the environmental elements are entirely flat, though they exist in a fully rendered 3D world. The visual style is unique, with pop-up books being the popularly cited influence. While the prologue has DeathSpank in a generically futuristic setting, his journey takes him to the inside of a computer, a theme park gone wrong, a seedy casino, and other seemingly disjointed but somehow cohesive locales. Though players won’t be searching for the six legendary crystals to seal the ultimate evil, it’s mechanically indistinguishable DeathSpank must visit six distinct areas and surmount some sort of challenge (typically in the form of a boss fight) to gain access to the area’s Bacon Fire.įortunately, the different environments themselves are varied enough to maintain interest. Even then, the thongs are so powerful that one will extinguish a Bacon Fire, causing DeathSpank to find a Bacon Fire for each of the six thongs.Īlthough the details are comical and irreverent, it is still a pretty standard RPG setup. Naturally, the thongs would have to be destroyed, but the only things powerful enough to destroy a Thong of Virtue is a legendary Bacon Fire. DeathSpank attempted to simultaneously wear the six Thongs of Virtue that were collected in the previous journey, which created an evil DeathSpank doppelganger. While it seems odd that the title is simply The Baconing, it is at least tangentially relevant to the story. Now, nearly a year later, Hothead continues the story of titular hero DeathSpank in The Baconing. The sequel, Thongs of Virtue, was released only two months later. DeathSpank first debuted during the summer of 2010. The main conceit behind the DeathSpank series is that it marries Diablo-style loot-grabbing action RPG gameplay with a story that takes itself far less seriously. The Baconing (Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, PC, Mac) It can be either a wholehearted recommendation or a vitriolic condemnation of the game, depending on who’s listening.įor those unfamiliar with the series, however, perhaps a deeper analysis is worthwhile. I was tempted to end the review with that sentence, as it really contains all the information many would need to make an informed decision about it. Tough Guy (Gold): Reach Level 20.The Baconing is the third DeathSpank game. Take Back The Knight (Silver): Kill Lord Von Prong. Justice Dispenser (Silver): Kill 2500 Enemies. Extracurricular Activities (Silver): Finish 50 Side Quests. The Day the Music Died (Silver): Kill Sergeant Orque. Menu Hero (Bronze): Dispense the Good, Vanquish the Evil. Underground Subway (Bronze): Discover all 30 Teleporting Outhouses. I'm an Addict (Bronze): Drink 50 Potions. Man In The Hole (Bronze): Complete 6 Spelunker Quests. Extermination (Bronze): Destroy all 3 Queen Greems. Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:ĭestroyer of Chickens (Bronze): Kill 100 Chickens. Easy "Menu Hero" trophyĪt the main menu, select the "Settings" option, choose the "Global Setting" selection, then maximize the "good" meter and minimize the "evil" meter to get the "Menu Hero" trophy. There is a Kangamoo to the left of the Wizard that drops a chest key each time you kill it. The Wizard's Outhouse is just outside of the Haunted Forest. As you progress through the game, you will eventually find the Wizard's Outhouse in the Wizard's backyard.

Deathspank baconing treasure chest keys